Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.
January, 2013 publication
Today's Pic: 31.1.2013 Class EF66 electric locomotive No.20, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 10.7.1977
up freight train.
Today's Pic: 30.1.2013 Class EF66 electric locomotive No.12, Toukaidou freight Line between Ohfuna and Fujisawa station, 18.2.1984
down train.
Today's Pic: 29.1.2013 Class EF66 electric locomotive No.7, Toukaidou freight Line near Ooiso station, 3.11.1984
1983th train.
Today's Pic: 28.1.2013 Class EF66 electric locomotive No.901, Toukaidou Line nbear Nebukawa station, 4.5.1985
5063th limited express freight train.
Today's Pic: 27.1.2013 Class EF66 electric locomotive No.3, Toukaidou freight Line between Ohfuna and Fujisawa station, 18.2.1984
up local freight train.
Today's Pic: 26.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.171, Toukaidou freight Line between Totuka and Ohfuna station, 25.5.1983
Ni2033th express baggage passenger train.
Today's Pic: 25.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.171, Toukaidou freight Line between Totuka and Ohfuna station, 25.5.1983
Ni2033th express baggage passenger train.
Today's Pic: 24.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.167, Toukaidou freight Line between Totuka and Ohfuna station, 9.7.1983
Ni31th express baggage passenger train.
Today's Pic: 23.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.158, Toukaidou freight Line between Ohfuna and Fujisawa station, 18.2.1984
Ni36th express baggage passenger train.
Today's Pic: 22.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.158, Toukaidou freight Line between Ohfuna and Fujisawa station, 18.2.1984
Ni36th express baggage passenger train.
Today's Pic: 21.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.158, Toukaidou freight Line between Ohfuna and Fujisawa station, 18.2.1984
Ni36th express baggage passenger train.
Today's Pic: 20.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.155, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 12.11.1983
Ni31th express baggage passenger train.
Today's Pic: 19.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.150, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 20.3.1984
Ni33th express baggage passenger train.
Today's Pic: 18.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.150, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 20.3.1984
Ni33th express baggage passenger train.
Today's Pic: 17.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.125, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 20.11.1983
Ni2033th express baggage passenger train.
Today's Pic: 16.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.125, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 20.11.1983
Ni2033th express baggage passenger train.
Today's Pic: 15.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.111, Toukaidou Line at Atami station, 31.12.1982
Ni36th express baggage passenger train.
Today's Pic: 14.1.2013 Class EF65 electric locomotive No.100, Toukaidou Line at Turumi station, 15.6.1991
8855th express freight train.
Today's Pic: 13.1.2013 Class EF55 electric locomotive No.1, Toukaidou Line at Numadu station, 9.8.1986
Today's Pic: 12.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.93, Toukaidou Line between Ohfuna and Fujisawa station, 18.2.1984
9024th extra limited express passenger train.
Today's Pic: 11.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.93, Toukaidou Line between Ohfuna and Fujisawa station, 18.2.1984
9024th extra limited express passenger train.
Today's Pic: 10.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.91, Toukaidou Line between Ohfuna and Fujisawa station, 18.2.1984
Ni33th express baggage train.
Today's Pic: 9.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.91, Toukaidou Line between Ohfuna and Fujisawa station, 18.2.1984
Ni33th express baggage train.
Today's Pic: 8.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.77, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 25.5.1983
Ni36th express baggage train.
Today's Pic: 7.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.77, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 25.5.1983
Ni36th express baggage train.
Today's Pic: 6.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.77, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 25.5.1983
Ni36th express baggage train.
Today's Pic: 5.1.2013 Class EF58 electric locomotive No.77, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 25.5.1983
Ni36th express baggage train.
Today's Pic: 4.1.2013 Class EF65 electric locomotive No.1077, Toukaidou Line at Sinagawa station, 16.7.1990
3867th local freight train.
New Year's Pic: 3.1.2013 Class 0 Sinkansen electric railcar, between GifuHajima and Maibara station, 15.1.1984
Hikari 37th Sinkansen train.
New Year's Pic: 2.1.2013 Class EF65 electric locomotive No.1112, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 21.6.2007
102th express sleeping car train "Ginga".
New Year's Pic: 1.1.2013 Class 0 Sinkansen electric railcar, between GifuHajima and Maibara station, 15.1.1984
Kodama 214th Sinkansen train.
New Year's Pic: 1.1.2013 Mt. Fuji at KataseKaigan, 11.12.2012 Early Morning
New Year's Pic: 1.1.2013 Class EF200 electric locomotive No.5, Hinkaku Line at Sinkawasaki station, 31.12.2012
87th freight train, 2012 Last Photo.
New Year's Pic: 1.1.2013 Class kuha115 electric railcar No.2013, Sanyou Line at Niwase station, 29.7.2009
333M local train.
New Year's Pic: 1.1.2013 Class kuha210 electric railcar No.2013, Toukaidou Line at Totuka station, 23.3.2009
744M local train.
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