Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.

July, 2011 publication

Today's Pic: 31.7.2011 Class EF80 electric locomotive no.5, Toukoku Line near Nippori station, 13.8.1974
up extra express passenger car train.

Today's Pic: 30.7.2011 Class EF62 electric locomotive no.19, Toukoku Line near Nippori station, 13.8.1974
4302th express passenger car train "Myoukou no.5".

Today's Pic: 29.7.2011 Class EF80 electric locomotive , Soubu Line at Ichikawa station, 13.8.1974
down freight train.

Today's Pic: 28.7.2011 Class taki3500 tank wagon no.3514, Toukaidou freight Line near Turumi station, 8.6.1991
8860th freight train.

Today's Pic: 27.7.2011 Class EF64 electric locomotive no.1039, Toukaidou freight Line at Turumi station, 10.7.1991
6250th freight train.

Today's Pic: 26.7.2011 Class EF64 electric locomotive no.1039, Toukaidou freight Line at Turumi station, 6.6.1991
6250th freight train.

Today's Pic: 25.7.2011 Class Toden200,1000 electric streetcar no.211 and 1001, Sanbasi Line at Kouchi-Ekimae stop, 26.7.2009

Today's Pic: 24.7.2011 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.75, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 12.7.1990
3860th freight train.

Today's Pic: 23.7.2011 Class EF64 electric locomotive no.1039, Toukaidou freight Line at Turumi station, 3.11.1991

Today's Pic: 22.7.2011 Class EF62 electric locomotive no.22, Toukaidou freight Line at HigasiTotuka station, 25.10.1984
Ni32th express baggage train.

Today's Pic: 21.7.2011 Class EF60 electric locomotive no.510, Toukaidou freight Line at Hodogaya station, 14.6.1975
1993th local freight train.

Today's Pic: 20.7.2011 Class EF61 electric locomotive no.207, Sanyou Line at Seno engine depot, 13.1.1984

Today's Pic: 19.7.2011 Class EF62 electric locomotive no.16, Toukaidou Line at Yokohama station, 8.6.1986
Ni33th express baggage train.

Today's Pic: 18.7.2011 Class taki 20350 tank wagon no.20352, Toukaidou Line at Turumi station, 24.5.1991
4383th freight train for Izumi on Jouban Line.

Today's Pic: 17.7.2011 Class Toden7000 streetcar no.7025, Toden Arakawa Line at MinowaBashi stop, 23.9.1984

Today's Pic: 16.7.2011 Class mani60 baggage passenger car no.71, Tokuaidou Line between Totuka and Ohfuna station, 10.6.1978
Ni32tn express baggage train for Siodome.

Today's Pic: 15.7.2011 Class maite49 passenger car no.2, Sanyou Line at Tokuyama station, 22.7.2007
down extra train with C56-160.

Today's Pic: 14.7.2011 Class kumoha40 electric railcar no.054, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 4.12.1988
up extra train with kumoha40-074.

Today's Pic: 13.7.2011 Class kumoha12 electric railcar no.052, Turumi Line at Turumi station, 9.7.1990

Today's Pic: 12.7.2011 Class kuhane285 electric railcar no.5, Touhoku Line near Totuka station, 9.6.2007
5032M limited express sleeping car train "Sunrise Seto.Izumo".

Today's Pic: 11.7.2011 Class EF62 electric locomotive no.36, Touhoku freight Line between Totuka and Ohfuna station, 15.4.1984
Ni38th express baggage train.

Today's Pic: 10.7.2011 Class kuha481 electric railcar no.27, Sinetu Line near Niitu station, 15.8.1978
4030M limited express train "Raichou no.30".

Today's Pic: 9.7.2011 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.46, Toukaidou Line at Turumi station, 24.7.1976
8111th first class rolling stock train.

Today's Pic: 8.7.2011 Class EF64 electric locomotive no.1017, Toukaidou freight Line near Turumi station, 16.3.1991
t1774th train.

Today's Pic: 7.7.2011 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.162, Toukaidou freight Line at Hodogaya station, 17.7.1976
si6992 test run train.

Today's Pic: 6.7.2011 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.1048, Touhoku Line near Oku station, 9.3.1985
1006th limited express sleeping car train "Akebono no.6".

Today's Pic: 5.7.2011 Class EF64 electric locomotive no.1017, Hinkaku Line at SinKawasaki station, 2.8.2008
2090th express freight train.

Today's Pic: 4.7.2011 Class EF64 electric locomotive no.1017, Touhoku Line at Ueno station, 13.1.1985
2002th limited express sleeping car train "Dewa".

Today's Pic: 3.7.2011 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.171, Toukaidou Line near Ohfuna station, 23.5.1975
9101th extra express passenger train.

Today's Pic: 2.7.2011 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.172, Touhoku Line at Ueno station, 9.3.1985
402th express passenger train "Tugaru".

Today's Pic: 1.7.2011 Class EF60 electric locomotive no.67, Toukaidou freight Line at Hodogaya station, 13.7.1976
8374th freight train.

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