Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.
May, 2011 publication
Today's Pic: 31.5.2011 Class EF15 electric locomotive no.69, Toukaidou freight Line near Ohfuna station, 21.5.1978
1991th local freight train.
Today's Pic: 30.5.2011 Class EF15 electric locomotive no.42, Touhoku Line at Yono station, 21.6.1975
t1596th train.
Today's Pic: 29.5.2011 Class EF13 electric locomotive no.3, Hinkaku Line at Shintsurumi engine depot, 21.5.1978
Today's Pic: 28.5.2011 Class DD51 diesel locomotive no.1804, Soubu Line at Shinkoiwa station, 12.5.1990
4661th freight train.
Today's Pic: 27.5.2011 Class DD51 diesel locomotive no.820, Toukaidou Line at Inazawa engine depot, 27.7.1985
Today's Pic: 26.5.2011 Class DD51 diesel locomotive no.757, Shinetsu Line at Niigata station, 15.8.1978
K224h passenger train.
Today's Pic: 25.5.2011 Class DD51 diesel locomotive no.756, Banetsu Line at Kaminojiri station, 14.8.1987
1230th local passenger train.
Today's Pic: 24.5.2011 Class DD13 diesel locomotive, Toukaidou freight Line at Hodogaya station, 13.5.1975
Today's Pic: 23.5.2011 Class DD13 diesel locomotive no.248, Toukaidou freight Line near Ohfuna station, 19.3.1978
t262th train for Hodogaya.
Today's Pic: 22.5.2011 Class DD13 diesel locomotive no.26, Touhoku Line at Tabata engine depot, 27.6.1976
Today's Pic: 20.5.2011 Class EF15 electric locomotive no.81, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 23.5.1975
1991th local freight train.
Today's Pic: 19.5.2011 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.539, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 9.3.1975
4th limited express sleeping car train "Hayabusa".
Today's Pic: 18.5.2011 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.539, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 23.5.1975
16th limited express sleeping car train "Seto".
Today's Pic: 17.5.2011 Class EF66 electric locomotive no.18, Toukaidou Line between OumiNagaoka and Kasiwabara station, 15.1.1984
1067th limited express freight train.
Today's Pic: 16.5.2011 Class EH10 electric locomotive no.16, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 9.3.1975
2360th freight train.
Today's Pic: 15.5.2011 Class kuha167 electric railcar no.4, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 9.3.1975
801M down express train "Okuizu no.1".
Today's Pic: 14.5.2011 Class EF60 electric locomotive no.71, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 9.3.1975
down freight train.
Today's Pic: 13.5.2011 Class EF13 electric locomotive no.21, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 9.3.1975
down freight train.
Today's Pic: 12.5.2011 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.129, Toukaidou freight Line at Hodogaya station, 21.2.1975
353th freight train.
Today's Pic: 11.5.2011 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.68, Toukaidou Line between OumiNagaoka and Kasiwabara station, 15.1.1984
7112th deadhead passenger train.
Today's Pic: 10.5.2011 Class EH10 electric locomotive no.13, Toukaidou freight Line neaer Totuka station, 23.2.1975
3150th freight train.
Today's Pic: 9.5.2011 Class EF12 electric locomotive no.9, Toukaidou freight Line neaer Totuka station, 23.2.1975
1977th local freight train.
Today's Pic: 8.5.2011 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.517, Toukaidou Line between OumiNagaoka and Kasiwabara station, 15.1.1984
8150th extra express freight train.
Today's Pic: 7.5.2011 Class kuha111 electric railcar no.329, Toukaidou Line between OumiNagaoka and Kasiwabara station, 15.1.1984
525M local train.
Today's Pic: 6.5.2011 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.96, Toukaidou Line between OumiNagaoka and Kasiwabara station, 15.1.1984
155th express freight train.
Today's Pic: 5.5.2011 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.111, Toukaidou Line at OumiNagaoka station, 15.1.1984
Ni39th express baggage train.
Today's Pic: 4.5.2011 Class kuha167 electric railcar no.1, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 9.3.1975
801M express train "Okuizu no.1".
Today's Pic: 3.5.2011 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.61, Toukaidou Line between OumiNagaoka and Kasiwabara station, 15.1.1984
Ni2031th express baggage train.
Today's Pic: 2.5.2011 Class EF61 electric locomotive no.4, Toukaidou Line between OumiNagaoka and Kasiwabara station, 15.1.1984
Ni38th express baggage train.
Today's Pic: 1.5.2011 Class EF66 electric locomotive no.44, Toukaidou Line between OumiNagaoka and Kasiwabara station, 15.1.1984
3864th local freight train.
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