Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.

Februry, 2010 publication

Today's Pic: 28.2.2010 Class kumoha105 electric railcar no.510, Wakayama Line at Wakayama station, 18.8.1985
up local train

Today's Pic: 27.2.2010 Class EF64 electric locomotive no.61, Toukaidou freight Line near Turumi station, 11.7.1991
5261th local freight train for Kajigaya.

Today's Pic: 26.2.2010 Class kuha167 electric railcar no.15, Toukaidou Line at Turumi station, 10.8.1991
8521M extra rapid train for IzukyuSimoda.

Today's Pic: 25.2.2010 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.167, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 5.6.1977
Ni34th express baggage train for Siodome.

Today's Pic: 24.2.2010 Class kuha480 electric railcar no.10, Kisei Line at KiiTanabe station, 15.9.1985
8041M extra limited express train for Ten'nouji.

Today's Pic: 23.2.2010 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.504, Toukaidou freight Line near Turumi station, 5.3.1991
6273th local freight train for Hachiouji.

Today's Pic: 22.2.2010 Class EF60 electric locomotive no.18, Toukaidou freight Line at Ohfuna station, 19.3.1978
6360th deadhead train.

Today's Pic: 21.2.2010 Class EH10 electric locomotive no.33, Toukaidou freight Line near Totuka station, 5.6.1977
352th freight train.

Today's Pic: 20.2.2010 Class kuha155 electric railcar no.4, Toukaidou Line at Totuka station, 26.7.1975
8741M extra express train.

Today's Pic: 19.2.2010 Class suyu16 mail car no.2007, Touhoku Line near NisiNippori station, 21.8.1977
802th express sleeping car train "Amanogawa".

Today's Pic: 18.2.2010 Class EF64 electric locomotive no.60, Toukaidou freight Line at Turumi station, 5.9.1990
5261th local freight train for Kajigaya.

Today's Pic: 17.2.2010 Class EF15 electric locomotive no.77, Sinetu Line at HigasiSanjyou station, 15.8.1976
2440th local freight train. the present HigasiSanjou's Photo: Please click the left.

Today's Pic: 16.2.2010 Class kumoha73 electric railcar no.629, Turumi Line at MusasiSiraisi station, 21.5.1978
up local train for Turumi.

Today's Pic: 15.2.2010 Class EF64 electric locomotive no.1051, Touhoku Line near Uguisudani station, 9.6.1991
2022th limited express sleeping car train "Choukai".

Today's Pic: 14.2.2010 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.1112, Toukaidou Line between Totuka and Ohfuna station, 29.7.1987
8345th extra express passenger train.

Today's Pic: 13.2.2010 Class EF60 electric locomotive no.110, Toukaidou freight Line at Hodogaya station, 3.5.1979
3366th freight train.

Today's Pic: 12.2.2010 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.97, Toukaidou Line at Odawara station, 24.6.1976
104th express sleeping car train "Ginga".

Today's Pic: 11.2.2010 Class kuha181 electric railcar no.106, Touhoku Line at Yono station, 24.7.1976
2005M limited express train "Toki no.3".

Today's Pic: 10.2.2010 Class EF15 electric locomotive no.4, Touhoku Line between Akabane and Higasijyujo station, 7.12.1974
down dead head train.

Today's Pic: 9.2.2010 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.1089, Toukaidou freight Line near Turumi station, 18.5.1991
3360th up freight train.

Today's Pic: 8.2.2010 Class EF64 electric locomotive no.1007, Hinkaku Line near Sinturumi yard, 8.9.2008
3072th up freight train.

Today's Pic: 7.2.2010 Class kuhane583 electric railcar no.27, Touhoku Line at Uguisudani station, 1.6.1985
9481S extra rapid train.

Today's Pic: 6.2.2010 Class EF15 electric locomotive no.157, Touhoku Line at Yono station, 13.6.1982
up freight train.

Today's Pic: 5.2.2010 Class kumoha73 electric railcar no.508, Turumi Line at Musasi-Siraisi station, 21.5.1978
down local train for Ougusima.

Today's Pic: 4.2.2010 Class EH10 electric locomotive no.40, Toukaidou freight Line at Hodogaya station, 14.6.1975
352th freight train.

Today's Pic: 3.2.2010 Class Keisei kuha2100 electric railcar no.9, KeiseiDentetu Line between Sugano and KeiseiYawata station, 12.8.1976
down local train for KeiseiChiba.

Today's Pic: 2.2.2010 Class orone25 sleeping passenger car no.701, Toukaidou Line near Turumi station, 8.6.1991
10th limited express sleeping car train "Asakaze no.4".

Today's Pic: 1.2.2010 Class EF15 electric locomotive no.2, Sinetu Line at Ngaoka Yard, 25.10.1975
t deadhead train.

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