Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.

November, 2009 publication

Today's Pic: 30.11.2009 Class Izukyu121 electric railcar, Izukyukou Line at Izukougen station, 30.12.1984
2644M local train for Atami.

Today's Pic: 29.11.2009 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.1079, Touhoku Line at Nisinasuno station, 14.8.1987
4089th freight train for Kooriyama.

Today's Pic: 28.11.2009 Class kiha58 diesel railcar no.26, Toukaidou Line at Nagoya station, 8.6.1983
701D express train "Norikura no.1".

Today's Pic: 27.11.2009 Class 2000 diesel railcar no.2004, Yosan Line at Uwajima station, 26.7.2009
1068D limited express train "Uwakai no.18" for Matuyama.

Today's Pic: 26.11.2009 Class kiha220 diesel railcar no.203, Houhi Line at Miyadi station, 25.7.2009
with kiha147-104.

Today's Pic: 25.11.2009 Class Tokyu deha3450 electric railcar no.93, Mekama Line at Okusawa station, 19.7.1987
up local train for Meguro.

Today's Pic: 24.11.2009 Class EF81 electric locomotive no.94, Takasaki Line at Sinmachi station, 3.8.1987
4662th local freight train for Izumi.

Today's Pic: 23.11.2009 Class Izukyu 159 electric railcar, Izukyukou Line at IzuOhkawa station, 30.7.1984
2651M local train for Izukyu-Simoda.

Today's Pic: 22.11.2009 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.98, Toukaidou Line at Odawara station, 2.4.1977
104th express sleeping car train "Ginga".

Today's Pic: 21.11.2009 Class kiha1018 diesel railcar, Dosan Line at Kubokawa station, 27.7.2009
with kiha32-11.

Today's Pic: 20.11.2009 Class kumoha169 electric railcar no.902, Touhoku Line between Kataoka and Yaita station, 19.8.1984
576M local train.

Today's Pic: 19.11.2009 Class KanagawaRinkai Railways DD55 diesel locomotive no.9, Negisi Line at Negisi station, 24.5.1991

Today's Pic: 18.11.2009 Class kiha2005 diesel railcar, Yosan Line at Uwajima station, 27.7.2009
10D limited express train "Siokaze no.10".

Today's Pic: 17.11.2009 Class DD13 diesel locomotive no.119, Touhoku Line at Oosaka station, 5.12.1974

Today's Pic: 16.11.2009 Class kuha183 electric railcar no.1022, Touhoku Line near Totuka station, 30.4.1979
3023M limited express train "Amagi no.3".

Today's Pic: 15.11.2009 Class DD13 diesel locomotive no.357, Touhoku Line at Oyama station, 7.9.1974

Today's Pic: 14.11.2009 Class kuha183 electric railcar no.1017, Toukaidou Line at Manaduru station, 1.8.1977
3023M down limited express train "Amagi no.2".

Today's Pic: 13.11.2009 Class kiha125 diesel railcar no.11, Houhi Line at Miyadi station, 25.7.2009
2421D down local train for BungoTakeda.

Today's Pic: 12.11.2009 Class Odakyu7000 electric railcar, Odakyu Enosima Line at Shounandai station, 26.12.1982
Up limited express train "2nd Enosima" for Sinjyuku.

Today's Pic: 11.11.2009 Class kuha165 electric railcar no.206, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 8.3.1975
303M down express train "Toukai no.2" for Sizuoka.

Today's Pic: 10.11.2009 Class kuha183 electric railcar no.20, Toukaidou Line at Ohfuna station, 12.8.1987
9023M down extra limited express train "Wakasio no.53".

Today's Pic: 9.11.2009 Class kiha47 diesel railcar no.518, Banetu Sai Line at AiduWakamatu station, 14.8.1987
231D down local train for Niigata.

Today's Pic: 8.11.2009 Class Keisei 3521 electric railcar, Keisei Dentetu Line at IchikawaMama station, 20.7.1974
down express train for Keisei-Narita.

Today's Pic: 7.11.2009 Class moha71 electric railcar no.71, Kanbara Railways Line at Gosen station, 16.6.1973
down local train arrived just now at Gosen station.

Today's Pic: 6.11.2009 Class moha71 electric railcar no.71, Kanbara Railways Line at Gosen station, 16.6.1973
down local train for Gosen.

Today's Pic: 5.11.2009 Class moha71 electric railcar no.71, Kanbara Railways Line at Gosen station, 16.6.1973
up local train for Muramatu.

Today's Pic: 4.11.2009 Class moha71 electric railcar no.71, Kanbara Railways Line at Gosen station, 16.6.1973
up local train for Muramatu.

Today's Pic: 3.11.2009 Class moha71 electric railcar no.71, Kanbara Railways Line at Gosen station, 16.6.1973
up local train for Muramatu.

Today's Pic: 2.11.2009 Class EF80 electric locomotive no.37, Soubu Line at Ichikawa station, 20.7.1974
down local freight train.

Today's Pic: 1.11.2009 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.505, Toukaidou Line at Tokyo station, 28.7.1973
11th limited express sleeping car train "Asakaze no.2".

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