Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.

January, 2009 publication

Today's Pic: 31.1.2009 Class kuha481-27 electric railcar no.27, Ouu Line at Aomori station, 19.8.1987
5002M up limited express train "Hakuchou".

Today's Pic: 30.1.2009 Class EF66 electric locomotive no.43, Toukaidou Line near Ohfuna station, 12.8.1987
12th limited express sleeping car train "Asakaze no.2".

Today's Pic: 29.1.2009 Class kuha86 electric railcar no.313, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 23.5.1975
6794th distribution train.

Today's Pic: 28.1.2009 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.1118, Hinkaku Line at Sinkawasaki station, 5.10.2007
6794th distribution train.

Today's Pic: 27.1.2009 Class Meitetu ku1007 electric railcar, NagoyaTetudou Line at Sakou station, 11.10.2008
289th dead head train.

Today's Pic: 26.1.2009 Class Meitetu mo7042 electric railcar, NagoyaTetudou Line at Higasibiwajima station, 11.10.2008
690th up local train for HigasiOkazaki.

Today's Pic: 25.1.2009 Class Meitetu ku6001 electric railcar, NagoyaTetudou Line at Sakou station, 11.10.2008
762Cth up local train for ChitaHanda.

Today's Pic: 24.1.2009 Class Meitetu mo7041, NagoyaTetudou Line at Higasibiwajima station, 11.10.2008
690th up local train for Higasiokazaki.

Today's Pic: 23.1.2009 Class Meitetu mo7002, NagoyaTetudou Line at Okuda station, 11.10.2008
4652th up local train.

Today's Pic: 22.1.2009 Class kuha117 electric railcar no.22, Toukaidou Line at Nagoya station, 8.6.1983
1525M down local train for Ohgaki.

Today's Pic: 21.1.2009 Class Meitetu mo7101 electric railcar, Nagoyatetudou Line at Sakou station, 11.10.2008
891th down local train for Inuyama.

Today's Pic: 20.1.2009 Class Meitetu mo7044 electric railcar, Nagoyatetudou Line at Sakou station, 11.10.2008
891th down local train for Inuyama.

Today's Pic: 19.1.2009 Class moro180 electric railcar no.42, Jouetu Line at Minakami station, 3.4.1978
2009M limited express train "Toki no.5".

Today's Pic: 18.1.2009 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.83, Toukaidou Line between Hodogaya and Totuka station, 3.11.1975
6102th extra express train "Ginga no.51".

Today's Pic: 17.1.2009 Class kumoha100 electric railcar no.127, Nanbu Line at Sitte station, 24.10.1982
up local train for Kawasaki.

Today's Pic: 16.1.2009 Class Tokyu deha3503 electric railcar, Tokyo-Kyukou Mekama Line at Okusawa station, 19.7.1987
up local train for Meguro.

Today's Pic: 15.1.2009 Class kuro 253 electric railcar no.5, Soubu Line at Ichikawa station, 4.2.2007
2017M limited express train for Narita Airport.

Today's Pic: 14.1.2009 Class Keikyu deha2011 electric railcar, KeihinKyuko Line at Kanagawa station, 11.2.1984
up rapid express train for Sinagawa.

Today's Pic: 13.1.2009 Class Odakyu ED1041 electric locomotive, OdakyuDentetu Odawara Line at Odawara station, 23.9.1979

Today's Pic: 12.1.2009 Class EF62 electric locomotive no.54, Touhoku Line at Ueno station, 12.6.1987
602th up express passenger train "Noto".

Today's Pic: 11.1.2009 Class kuha381 electric railcar no.4, Toukaidou Line at Nagoya station, 8.6.1983
1002M up limited express train "Sinano no.2".

Today's Pic: 10.1.2009 Class kuha111 electric railcar no.7, Toukaidou Line at Nagoya station, 8.6.1983
1527M down local train for Ohgaki.

Today's Pic: 9.1.2009 Class mani50 baggage railcar, at Atami station, 14.1.1979
32th up express baggage train for Siodome.

Today's Pic: 8.1.2009 Class NiigataKoutuu moha12 electric railcar, between Sinoono and Kiba station, 15.8.1984
up local train for Tubame.

Today's Pic: 7.1.2009 Class kuha418 electric railcar no.9, Hokuriku Line near Turuga station, 27.7.1985
529M down local train.

Today's Pic: 6.1.2009 Class Tokyu deha3450 electric railcar no.3484, Tokyu Mekama Line at Meguro station, 19.7.1987
down local train for Kamata.

Today's Pic: 5.1.2009 Class kumoha123 electric railcar no.6, Ube Line at Ubesinkawa station, 13.7.2005
1223Mth down local train for NagatoMotoyama.

Today's Pic: 4.1.2009 Class EF15 electric locomotive no.168, Toukaidou freight Line naer Ohfuna station, 19.3.1978
1594th up freight train for Yokosuka.

Today's Pic: 3.1.2009 Class NiigataKoutuu moha16 electric railcar, NiigataKoutuu Line naer Sinohno station, 15.8.1984
down train for Kenchoumae.

Today's Pic: 2.1.2009 Class kuha181 electric railcar no.103, Sinetu Line at Niitu station, 1.4.1978
2009M limited express train "Toki no.5".

Today's Pic: 1.1.2009 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.61 and 36, Toukaidou Line at Maibara engine depot, 28.4.1985

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