Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.

August, 2007 publication

Today's Pic: 31.8.2007 Class DE10 diesel locomotive no.1045, Geibi Line at Hirosima station, 13.1.1984
832th up local passenger train for Miyosi.

Today's Pic: 30.8.2007 Class DE10 diesel locomotive no.572, Soubu Line at Ichikawa station, 21.1.1979
683th local freight train.

Today's Pic: 29.8.2007 Class DE10 diesel locomotive no.564, Toukaidou Line at Ohfuna station, 11.8.1974
983th local freight train.

Today's Pic: 28.8.2007 Class DE11 diesel locomotive no.1029, Toukaidou Line at Tamachi station, 3.12.1990
1002th deadhead train.

Today's Pic: 27.8.2007 Class EF58 electric locomotive no.93, Toukaidou Line between Totuka and Ohfuna station, 3.3.1984
9023th limited express passenger train "Ororiko no.55".

Today's Pic: 26.8.2007 Class C11 steam locomotive no.363, Rikuu east Line between Kitaura and Kogota station, 11.8.1973
726th up deadhead passenger train.

Today's Pic: 25.8.2007 Class Mc250 electric freight railcar no.1, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 25.5.2007
50th up super limited express freight train.

Today's Pic: 24.8.2007 Class EF60 electric locomotive no.45, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 10.7.1977
161th down freight train.

Today's Pic: 23.8.2007 Class EF60 electric locomotive no.45, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 10.7.1977
161th down freight train.

Today's Pic: 22.8.2007 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.509, Toukaidou Line near Sinkoyasu, 16.9.1974
8th up limited express sleeping car train "Fuji".

Today's Pic: 21.8.2007 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.124, Sanyou Line at Tokuyama station, 11.4.2007
2071th down limited express freight train.

Today's Pic: 20.8.2007 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.124, Toukaidou Line at Hodogaya station, 1.9.1973
8469th down freight train.

Today's Pic: 19.8.2007 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.506, Toukaidou Line near Sinkoyasu, 16.9.1974
12th up limited express sleeping car train "Asakaze no.3".

Today's Pic: 18.8.2007 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.1025, Touhoku Line near Yono station, 9.10.1978
1002th up limited express sleeping car train "Akebono no.2".

Today's Pic: 17.8.2007 Class EF66 electric locomotive no.50, Sanyou Line at Tokuyama station, 11.4.2007
1st down limited express sleeping car train "Fuji Hayabusa".

Today's Pic: 16.8.2007 Class EF66 electric locomotive no.19, Toukaidou Line at Totuka station, 8.7.1990
8854th up freight train.

Today's Pic: 15.8.2007 Class EF66 electric locomotive no.26, Toukaidou Line near Turumi station, 5.5.1991
9888th up first class rolling stock train with Eidan 05 class.

Today's Pic: 14.8.2007 Class EF66 electric locomotive no.31, Toukaidou Line between Totuka and Ohfuna, 12.8.1985
5th down limited express sleeping car train "Mizuho".

Today's Pic: 13.8.2007 Class EF66 electric locomotive no.901, Toukaidou freight Line near Turumi station, 20.4.1991
5086th up freight train.

Today's Pic: 12.8.2007 Class EF66 electric locomotive no.901, Toukaidou freight Line at Ohfuna station, 11.8.1990
95th down freight train.

Today's Pic: 11.8.2007 Class EF81 electric locomotive no.32, Ouu Line between Hachirougata and Koikawa station, 18.8.1987
4094th up limited express freight train.

Today's Pic: 10.8.2007 Class EF81 electric locomotive no.48, Ouu Line at Akita station, 18.8.1987
4001th down limited express sleeping car train for Aomori "Nihonkai no.1".

Today's Pic: 9.8.2007 Class kuha183 electric railcar no.1017, Toukaidou Line at Totuka station, 30.9.1978
3024Mth up limited express train for Tokyo "Amagi no.2".

Today's Pic: 8.8.2007 Class Keikyu463 electric railcar, Keihinkyuukou Line at Kanagawa station, 29.3.1979
15Dth down express train for Zusi.

Today's Pic: 7.8.2007 Class kani21 power source car no.5, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 9.3.1975
8th up limited express sleeping car train "Fuji" for Tokyo.

Today's Pic: 6.8.2007 Class Keisei 3500 electric railcar no.21, KeiseiDentetu Line at Ichikawamama station, 20.7.1974
down express train for Narita.

Today's Pic: 5.8.2007 Class kani21 power source car no.7, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 9.3.1975
4th up limited express sleeping railcar train "Hayabusa".

Today's Pic: 4.8.2007 Class EF65 electric locomotive no.539, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 9.3.1975
4th up limited express sleeping railcar train "Hayabusa".

Today's Pic: 3.8.2007 Class Keikyu deha1000 electric railcar no.149, KeihinKyukou Line near Sinkoyasu station, 16.9.1974
down rapid train.

Today's Pic: 2.8.2007 Class kiha35 diesel railcar no.504, Yahiko Line at Higasisanjou station, 14.8.1974
237Dth down local train.

Today's Pic: 1.8.2007 Class kiha181 diesel railcar, Touhoku Line near Nisinippori, 12.8.1974
2Dth up limited express train "Tubasa no.1".

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