Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.
March, 2007 publication
Today's Pic: 31.3.2007
Class DE10 diesel locomotive no.572, Soubu Line at Ichikawa, 21.1.1979
683th freight train.
Today's Pic: 30.3.2007
Class EF16 electric locomotive, Jouetu Line at Minakami engine depot, 3.4.1978
Today's Pic: 29.3.2007
Class Odakyu10000 electric railcar, Odakyu Line between Sinyurigaoka and Kakio, 7.1988
down train.
Today's Pic: 28.3.2007
Class EF66 electric locomotive no.901, Toukaidou Line at Inazawa engine depot, 27.7.1985
It had equipped with the head mark "Akatuki".
Today's Pic: 27.3.2007
Class 583 electric sleeping railcar, Touhoku Line at Kogota station, 11.8.1973
12Mth limited express trains "Michinoku".
Today's Pic: 26.3.2007
Class EF66 and EF64 electric locomotive, Toukaidou freight Line at Turumi station, 13.4.1991
5090th and 5261th freight trains.
Today's Pic: 25.3.2007
Class EF66 electric locomotive no.11, Toukaidou freight Line at Oofuna station, 28.7.1990
8854th up freight train.
Today's Pic: 24.3.2007
Class EF15 electric locomotive no.151, Sinetu Line at Higasisanjou station, 28.8.1976
3773th down freight train.
Today's Pic: 23.3.2007
Class kiha20 diesel railcar, Echigo Line at hakusan station, 16.8.1979
142Dth up local train for Kasiwazaki.
Today's Pic: 22.3.2007
Class EF15 electric locomotive no.168, Toukaodou freight Line at Oofuna station, 19.3.1978
1594th up freight train for Hongoudai.
Today's Pic: 21.3.2007
Class kuha86 electric railcar no.338, Toukaodou Line at Sinkoyasu station, 16.9.1974
2828Mth up local train for Sinagawa.
Today's Pic: 20.3.2007
Class EF62 electric locomotive no.26, Touhoku Line at Oomiya station, 14.8.1977
4302th down deadhead passenger express train "Myoukou no.5".
Today's Pic: 19.3.2007
Class EF80 electric locomotive no.37, Soubu Line at Ichikawa station, 20.7.1974
down freight train.
Today's Pic: 18.3.2007
Class EF60 electric locomotive no.65, Toukaidou Line at Fujisawa station, 30.11.1974
1494th up freight train.
Today's Pic: 17.3.2007
Class EF15 electric locomotive no.199, Toukaidou Line at Fujisawa station, 30.11.1974
8374th up freight train.
Today's Pic: 16.3.2007
Class EF58 electric locomotive no.107, Toukoku Line between Higasijyujo and Akabane, 3.6.1978
3002th up limited express sleeping car train "Hokuriku".
Today's Pic: 15.3.2007
Class EF61 electric locomotive no.4, Toukaidou Line at Oobu station, 15.1.1984
31th down baggage train.
Today's Pic: 14.3.2007
Class EH10 electric locomotive no.3, Toukaidoufreight Line near Totuka station, 10.7.1977
8375 down freight train. The form of a pantograph's shoes is different by right and left.
Today's Pic: 13.3.2007
Class EH10 electric locomotive no.3, Toukaidoufreight Line near Totuka station, 10.7.1977
8375 down freight train.
Today's Pic: 12.3.2007
Class 183 electric railcar, Soubu Line at Ichikawa station, 21.1.1979
1023Mth down limited express train "Ayame no.3".
Today's Pic: 11.3.2007
Class EF81 electric locomotive no.23, Sinetu Line at Higasisanjou station, 16.8.1979
1572th up freight train.
Today's Pic: 10.3.2007
A yard switch tower, Toukaidou Line at Hodogaya station, 22.2.1976
Today's Pic: 9.3.2007
Class EF15-171 electric locomotive, Nanbu Line at Sitte station, 24.7.1976
5165th down train.
Today's Pic: 8.3.2007
Class EF58-162 electric locomotive, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 31.8.1974
1101th down passenger express train "Sakurajima-Takachiho" nahafu10-46 oro11-29.
Today's Pic: 7.3.2007
Class 183 electric railcar, Soubu Line at Ichikawa station, 9.12.1984
1033Mth down limited express train "Ayame" no.3 for Kasimajinguu.
Today's Pic: 6.3.2007
Class 583 sleeping electric railcar, Touhoku Line at Ueno station, 13.1.1985
22Mth up limited express sleeping car train "Hakuturu" no.2 from Aomori.
Today's Pic: 5.3.2007
Class C11 steam locomotive no.19, Banetu west Line at Aiduwakamatu station, 8.2.1974
621th down passenger train for Atusio.
Today's Pic: 4.3.2007
Class C11 steam locomotive, Aidu Line between Kuwabara and Yunokami, 8.2.1974
8393th down freight train.
Today's Pic: 3.3.2007
Class kiha26 diesel railcar, Tadami Line at Nisiwakamatu station, 8.2.1974
4410Dth up express train "Inawasiro no.1" for Fukusima.
Today's Pic: 2.3.2007
Class siki310 high-capacity wagon, Toukaidou freight Line between Fujisawa and Ohfuna, 3.3.1979
up freight train.
Today's Pic: 1.3.2007
Class kuha76 electric railcar no.064, Shinetu Line at Higashisanjyou station, 14.8.1974
430Mth train for Nihongi from Niigata.
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