Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.
January, 2007 publication
Today's Pic: 31.1.2007
Class kiha82 diesel railcar no.73, Toukaidou Line at Nagoya station, 1.4.1987
23Dth down train "Hida no.3".
Today's Pic: 30.1.2007
Class kiha82 diesel railcar no.99, Toukaidou Line at Gifu station, 15.1.1984
1035Dth down train "Hida no.5".
Today's Pic: 29.1.2007
Class kuha86 electric railcar no.21, Sanyou Line at Simonoseki station, 6.1.1973
450Mth up train for Hiroshima.
Today's Pic: 28.1.2007
Class EF65 electric locomotive no.1135, Toukaidou Line at Yuurakuchou station, 23.12.1984
9031th passenger train "Saloon Express Odoriko".
Today's Pic: 27.1.2007
Class DD13 diesel locomotive no.262, Nanbu Line at Sitte station, 24.7.1976
472th freight train for Siohana-So.
Today's Pic: 26.1.2007
Class DD13 diesel locomotive no.62, Chuuou east Line at Hachiouji engine depot, 14.9.1974
Today's Pic: 25.1.2007
Class EF55 electric locomotive no.1, Toukaidou Line between Numadu and Misima, 9.8.1986
The centennial memory passenger train of Numadu engine depot.
Today's Pic: 24.1.2007
Class ED75 electric locomotive no.78, Touhoku Line at Kogota station, 11.8.1973
1721th passenger train for Rikuzen-Furukawa which this locomotive had been hauled to Kogota.
Today's Pic: 23.1.2007
Class C11 steam locomotive no.363, Touhoku Line at Kogota station, 11.8.1973
1721th passenger train for Rikuzen-Furukawa.
Today's Pic: 22.1.2007
Class C11 steam locomotive no.363, Touhoku Line at Kogota station, 11.8.1973
1721th passenger train.
Today's Pic: 21.1.2007
Class EF55 electric locomotive no.1, at Takaseki 2nd engine depot, 31.3.1985
Then, this locomotive was revitalized.
Today's Pic: 20.1.2007
Class EF65 electric locomotive no.1097, Toukaidou Line at Hamamatucho station, 22.8.1978
14th up sleeping car train "Asakaze no.1".
Today's Pic: 19.1.2007
Class DD51 diesel locomotive no.757, Sinetu Line at Niigata station, 16.8.1984
1230th passenger train for Kouriyama with Class 50 passenger car.
Today's Pic: 18.1.2007
Class EF62 electric locomotive no.22, Touhoku Line at Ohmiya station, 17.8.1976
4302th deahhead passenger train "Myoukou no.5".
Today's Pic: 17.1.2007
Class EF65 electric locomotive no.1100, Toukaidou Line between Totuka and Ohfuna, 14.4.1984
1st down sleeping car train "Sakura". The above railway is a up line for Tokyo in Yokosuka Line.
Today's Pic: 16.1.2007
Class kumoya90 electric railcar no.803, Chuou east Line at Matumoto station, 27.5.1984
for hauling .
Today's Pic: 15.1.2007
Class EF62 electric locomotive no.20, Toukaidou Line at Atami station, 27.7.1986
Ni31th down baggage train and 2641Mth train(The Resort 21 2nd car).
Today's Pic: 14.1.2007
Class EF62 electric locomotive no.20, Touhoku Line at Ueno station, 24.7.1976
606th deadhead passenger train "Echizen".
Today's Pic: 13.1.2007
Class ED71 electric locomotive, Touhoku Line at Fukusima station, 28.8.1977
8583th down freight train.
Today's Pic: 12.1.2007
Class DD51 diesel locomotive, Sinetu Line at Niigata station, 2.4.1978
224th up passenger train for Kouriyama.
Today's Pic: 11.1.2007
kikuya141-2 + kiya141 inspection car, Sanyou Line at Tokuyama station, 20.12.2006
kikuya141 : for track, kiya141 : for electric.
Today's Pic: 10.1.2007
Meitetu Mo592 Street car, for Inaba on Nagara Line, 27.7.1985
Meitetu Gifu City Line
was abolished on April 1, 2005.
Today's Pic: 9.1.2007
Class kuha481 railcar no.342, Sinetu Line at Niitu station, 16.8.1984
2042Mth up train "Choukai" for Ueno.
Today's Pic: 8.1.2007
Class kuha401 railcar no.12, Mito Line at Oyama station, 7.9.1974
743Mth down train for katuta.
Today's Pic: 7.1.2007
Class 14 passenger car "Saloon car Naniwa", Toukaidou Line between Hodogaya and Totuka, 4.5.1985
9103th down passenger train.
Today's Pic: 6.1.2007
Class EF65 electric locomotive no.1135, Toukaidou Line between Totuka and Ohfuna, 4.5.1985
9102th up passenger train with "Saloon car Naniwa".
Today's Pic: 5.1.2007
Class kuha401 electric railcar no.1, Joban Line between Kanamachi and Matudo, 30.7.1973
450Mth up train for Ueno from Mito.
Today's Pic: 4.1.2007
Class EF62 electric locomotive no.19, Sinetu Line at Kasasima station, 14.1.1979
3660th up freight train.
Today's Pic: 3.1.2007
EF62-25 and EF58-122 electric locomotive, Touhoku Line at Ueno station, 10.8.1980
The 17th platform : 606th train Echizen, 18th platform : 6404th train Oga no.4.
Today's Pic: 2.1.2007
EF62-14 and EF58-109 electric locomotive, Touhoku Line at Ueno station, 24.12.1978
The 17th platform: 606th train Echizen, 18th platform : 6404th train Oga no.4, Middle platform is for baggage.
Then, the baggage platform was lost. and Now, Platforms remain to the 17th
because they were deleted in order to use it with the Shinkansen.
A Happy New Year
Today's Pic: 1.1.2007
Class 183 electric railcar, Toukaidou Line between Yui and Okitu, 5.3.1996
View on near Satta pass.
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