Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.

November, 2006 publication

Today's Pic: 30.11.2006 Class EF64 Electric Locomotive No.45, Chuou west Line at Kisofukushima station, 26.5.1984
Ni5043th down baggage train.

Today's Pic: 29.11.2006 Class EF64 Electric Locomotive No.66, Chuou west Line near Kisofukushima station, 26.5.1984
5879th down freight train.

Today's Pic: 28.11.2006 Class kiha11 Diesel railcar, Gonou Line between Iwadate and Takinoma, 24.2.1973
232Dh up train.

Today's Pic: 27.11.2006 Class E721 Electric railcar, Yokosuka Line between Kitakamakura and Kamakura, 17.10.2006
9680th up deadhead train.

Today's Pic: 26.11.2006 Class EF62 No.22, Touhoku Line at Uguisudani station, 27.4.1975
8602th up deadhead passenger train , "Echizen 51".

Today's Pic: 25.11.2006 Class EF62 No.26, Touhoku Line at Yono station, 21.6.1975
606th up passenger train , "Echizen".

Today's Pic: 24.11.2006 Class EF66 No.901, Toukaidou Line at Turumi station, 9.4.1991
5090th up train , left side is EF64-50.

Today's Pic: 23.11.2006 Class EF66 No.901, Toukaidou Line at Higasitotuka station, 11.6.1990
1983th down train.

Today's Pic: 22.11.2006 Class kiha65 No.73, Kagosima Line at Kumamoto station, 26.3.1994
"Kumagawa + Ebino".

Today's Pic: 21.11.2006 Kumamoto street car, Class 8800 No.101, 3th Line between Siyakushomae and Toorisuji, 26.3.1994
for Kengunmachi.

Today's Pic: 20.11.2006 Kumamoto street car, Class 9200 No.3, 2th Line between Toorisuji and Suidouchou, 26.3.1994
for Tasakibashi.

Today's Pic: 19.11.2006 Kumamoto street car, Class 8500 No.2, 2th Line between ShiyakushoMae and Toorisuji, 26.3.1994
for Kengunmachi.

Today's Pic: 18.11.2006 Class 10000 Electric railcar No.21 (Odakyu), Okakyu Line at Ebina station, 20.2.1988
down deadhead train.

Today's Pic: 17.11.2006 Class 10027 Electric railcar (Odakyu), Okakyu Line at Ebina station, 20.2.1988
down deadhead train.

Today's Pic: 16.11.2006 Class 7000 Electric railcar (Odakyu), Okakyu Line at Ebina station, 20.2.1988
up limited express "Ashigara" for Sinjyuku.

Today's Pic: 15.11.2006 Class 7000 Electric railcar (Odakyu), Okakyu Line near Kakio station, July,1988
up limited express "Enoshima" for Sinjyuku.

Today's Pic: 14.11.2006 Class kuha489 Electric railcar No.2, Sinetu Line between Yokokawa and Karuizawa, 30.8.1986
Two EF63 ELs pushed down 7022Mth limited express "Soyokaze No.2"

Today's Pic: 13.11.2006 Class EF63 Electric locomotive No.6, Sinetu Line between Yokokawa and Karuizawa, 30.8.1986
They pushed down 7022Mth limited express "Soyokaze No.2" - Class 489 EC

Today's Pic: 12.11.2006 Class EF63 Electric locomotive No8,10, Sinetu Line at Karuizawa station, 18.8.1986

Today's Pic: 11.11.2006 Class EF63 Electric locomotive No8,10, Sinetu Line at Karuizawa station, 18.8.1986
pusher of 7022Mth up limited express.

Today's Pic: 10.11.2006 Class 489 Electric railcar, Sinetu Line at Karuizawa station, 18.8.1986
7022Mth up limited express for Ueno, "Soyokaze No.2".

Today's Pic: 9.11.2006 Class EF63 Electric Locomotive No.10, Sinetu Line at Karuizawa station, 18.8.1986
EF63-10+EF63 is a pusher locomotive used between Yokokawa and Karuizawa where exists Usui Pass.

Today's Pic: 8.11.2006 Class kuha381 Electric railcar No.4, Sinetu Line at Sinonoi station, 15.8.1988
1004Mth limited express for Nagoya, "Sinano No.4".

Today's Pic: 7.11.2006 Class EF65 Electric locomotive No.1054, Yokosuka Line near Kitakamakura station, 17.10.2006
9680th up deadhead train for Sendai with class E721 EC.

Today's Pic: 6.11.2006 Class 183 Electric railcar, Soubu Line at Ichikawa station, 3.8.1988
down limited express train for Chosi, "Siosai".

Today's Pic: 5.11.2006 Class 183 Electric railcar, Soubu Line at Ichikawa station, 3.8.1988
up limited express train for Chiba.

Today's Pic: 4.11.2006 Class DD51 Diesel locomotive No.576, Soubu Line at Koiwa station, 24.11.1974
up freight train.

Today's Pic: 3.11.2006 Class DD51 Diesel locomotive No.898, Soubu Line at Ichikawa station, 24.12.1978
down freight train.

Today's Pic: 2.11.2006 Class EF81 Electric locomotive No.136, Sinetu Line at Niigata station, 2.4.1978
4005th down passenger deadhead train.

Today's Pic: 1.11.2006 Class ED77 Electric locomotive No.8, Banetu west Line at Inawasiro station, 17.8.1984
8221th down passenger train.

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