Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.

September, 2006 publication

Today's Pic: 30.9.2006 Class EF200 Electric Locomotive No.4, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 2.4.1993
Up freight train.

Today's Pic: 29.9.2006 Class DD51 Diesel Locomotive No.874, Soubu Line at Koiwa station, 29.9.1990
1191th down train.

Today's Pic: 28.9.2006 Class DD51 Diesel Locomotive No.1804, Soubu Line at Sinkoiwa station, 12.5.1990
4661th down train from Onagigawa.

Today's Pic: 27.9.2006 Class DE10 Diesel Locomotive No.100, Jouban Line between Kanamachi and Matudo, 30.7.1973
822th up train from Narita for Ueno.

Today's Pic: 26.9.2006 Class DE10 Diesel Locomotive No.96, Jouban Line between Matudo and Kanamachi, 30.7.1973
824th up train from Narita for Ueno.

Today's Pic: 25.9.2006 Class DE10 Diesel Locomotive No.96, Jouban Line between Matudo and Kanamachi, 30.7.1973
824th up train from Narita for Ueno.

Today's Pic: 24.9.2006 Class 483 Electric railcar, Toukaidou Line at Osaka station, 5.12.1974
33Mth down train "Midori No.1".

Today's Pic: 23.9.2006 Class kuha86 Electric railcar No.113, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 15.3.1975
780Mth up train.

Today's Pic: 22.9.2006 Class EF500 Electric Locomotive No.901, Toukaidou Line near Turumi station, 16.2.1991
9061th test down train.

Today's Pic: 21.9.2006 Class kumoha51 Electric railcar No.056, Toukaidou Line at Osaka station, 5.12.1974
down train.

Today's Pic: 20.9.2006 Class kumoha40 Electric railcar No.074 and 054, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 4.12.1988
up train.

Today's Pic: 19.9.2006 Class kumoha40 Electric railcar No.054 and 074, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 4.12.1988
up train.

Today's Pic: 18.9.2006 Class siki800 high-capacity wagon, Toukaidou Line at Turumi station, 27.10.1990
The high-capacity wagon was manufactured for transformer transportation in 1972. Its maximum load is 160t.

Today's Pic: 17.9.2006 Class so300 construction car No.0, Toukaidou Line at Sinagawa station, 28.1.1991
so300 was manufactured for bridge beam construction in 1966.Treatment weight is 35t.

Today's Pic: 16.9.2006 Class so300 construction car No.1, Toukaidou Line at Turumi station, 30.9.1990
so300 was manufactured for bridge beam construction in 1966.Treatment weight is 35t.

Today's Pic: 15.9.2006 Class kumoya E491 Inspection car, Toukaidou Line at Ohfuna station, 21.4.2004

Today's Pic: 14.9.2006 Class EF58 Electric locomotive No.118, Toukaidou Line near Higasitotuka station, 2.4.1983
Ni36th up baggage train.

Today's Pic: 13.9.2006 Class kuha181 Electric railcar No.65, Touhoku Line at Yono station, 13.8.1976
2007Mth down electric railcar train,"Toki No.4".

TToday's Pic: 12.9.2006 Class kuha180 Electric railcar, Touhoku Line at Yono station, 13.8.1976
2059Mth up deadhead electric railcar train,"Toki No.5".

Today's Pic: 11.9.2006 Class kuha86 Electric railcar No.313, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 5.4.1976
326Mth down Electric railcar train.

Today's Pic: 10.9.2006 Class kuha86 Electric railcar No.108, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 8.3.1975
1865Mth down Electric railcar train.

Today's Pic: 9.9.2006 Class EF15 Electric Locomotive No.117, Chuou-tou Line at Sinjyuku station, 28.2.1975

Today's Pic: 8.9.2006 Class ED77 Electric Locomotive No.14, Banetu sai Line near Inawasiro station, 17.8.1984
8224 passenger up train.

Today's Pic: 7.9.2006 Class ED77 Electric Locomotive No.14, Banetu sai Line near Inawasiro station, 17.8.1984
8224 passenger up train.

Today's Pic: 6.9.2006 Class kiha58 Diesel Railcar, Banetu sai Line near Inawasiro station, 17.8.1984
2241Dth down train for Aiduwakamatu.

Today's Pic: 5.9.2006 Class ED77 Electric Locomotive No.5, Banetu sai Line near Inawasiro station, 17.8.1984
1226th up passenger train for Kooriyama.

Today's Pic: 4.9.2006 Class ED77 Electric Locomotive No.5, Banetu sai Line near Inawasiro station, 17.8.1984
1226th up passenger train for Kooriyama.

Today's Pic: 3.9.2006 Class ED77 Electric Locomotive No.8, Banetu sai Line near Inawasiro station, 17.8.1984
9222th up passenger train "Bandai 52".

Today's Pic: 2.9.2006 Class ED77 Electric Locomotive No.8, Banetu sai Line near Inawasiro station, 17.8.1984
9222th up passenger train "Bandai 52".

Today's Pic: 1.9.2006 Class 485 Electric Railcar, Ouu Line near Itaya station, 18.8.1982
1031Mth down Electric railcar train "Yamabato 1".

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