Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.

June, 2006 publication

Today's Pic: 30.6.2006 EF81-146,66, Sinetu Line at Higashisanjo station, 16.8.1979
2 down freight trains.

Today's Pic: 29.6.2006 EF81-99, Sinetu Line at Higashisanjo station, 28.8.1976
8702th up coach train.

Today's Pic: 28.6.2006 EF81-90, Touhoku Line Kawaguchi station, 12.7.1975
3060th up freight train.

Today's Pic: 27.6.2006 EF81-60, Sinetu Line Higasisanjo station, 28.8.1976
2580th up freight train.

Today's Pic: 26.6.2006 EF81-27, Sinetu Line between Honai - Sanjou 15.8.1982
up freight train.

Today's Pic: 25.6.2006 EF81-23, Sinetu Line at Higasisanjyou station 16.8.1979
up freight train.

Today's Pic: 24.6.2006 EF81-19, Uetu Line between Echigohayakawa - Kuwagawa 15.8.1986
down freight train.

Today's Pic: 23.6.2006 EF80-43, Soubu Line at Ichikawa station 21.11.1982
8973th down freight train.

Today's Pic: 22.6.2006 EF80-42, Touhoku Line at Yono station 13.8.1976
2483th down freight train.

Today's Pic: 21.6.2006 EF80-42, Soubu Line at Ichikawa station 24.6.1976
5464th up freight train.

Today's Pic: 20.6.2006 EF80-30, Touhoku Line between Higasijujo - Akabane, 3.6.1978
58th deadhead Train, "Yuduru".

Today's Pic: 19.6.2006 Izukyu Resort21, Izukyu Line near Hokkwa, 28.7.1985
The first resort 21 had begun operation from July 20.

Today's Pic: 18.6.2006 Enoden 351 and 108, Enosimadentetu Enosima station, 30.11.1974
108 is a preservation car what is called by TanKoro.

Today's Pic: 17.6.2006 Enoden 351, Enosimadentetu Enosima station, 30.11.1974

Today's Pic: 16.6.2006 EF66-53, Toukaido Line between Ninomiya and Ohiso, 28.2.1987
8th up train, "Fuji".

Today's Pic: 15.6.2006 EF66-52, Toukaido Line between Ninomiya and Ohiso, 28.2.1987
4th up train, "Hayabusa".

Today's Pic: 14.6.2006 EF65-1113, Toukaido Line at Kanagawa, 29.3.1979
10th up Passenger train, "Asakaze".

Today's Pic: 13.6.2006 Type 103 EC, Keihintohoku Line at Kanagawa, 25.3.1979
Up EC train of Yokohama Line for Isogo.

Today's Pic: 12.6.2006 Type 73 EC, Keihintohoku Line at Kanagawa, 18.3.1979
Up EC train of Yokohama Line for Isogo, This tpye EC replaced 103 type EC altogether in October of this year.

Today's Pic: 11.6.2006 EF65-517, Toukaido Line between kasiwabara and OumiNagaoka, 15.1.1984
8150th up freight train.

Today's Pic: 10.6.2006 EF65-508, Toukaido Line near Ohfuna, 12.6.1976
16th up train, "Seto".

Today's Pic: 9.6.2006 EF65-508, Toukaido Line at Hamamatucho, 18.8.1974
16th up train, "Seto".

Today's Pic: 8.6.2006 EF65-123, Toukaido Line at Atami, 22.2.1986
9114th dead head train.

Today's Pic: 7.6.2006 EF65-123, Toukaido Line at Atami, 22.2.1986
9114th dead head train.

Today's Pic: 6.6.2006 EF58-74, Toukaido Line at Nagoya station, 8.6.1983
Ni36th up baggage train, The right-hand side wiper cover was missing.

Today's Pic: 5.6.2006 157 type EC, Touhoku Line between Higasijujo and Akabane, 23.11.1974
8033Mth EC train "Shirane".

Today's Pic: 4.6.2006 EF60-18, Toukaido Line near Totuka, 4.1979
Down freight train.

Today's Pic: 3.6.2006 EF58-102, Touhoku Line between Higasijujo and Akabane, 3.6.1978
402th up train, "Tugaru" 1st.

Today's Pic: 2.6.2006 EF63-25 24, Sinetu Line at Yokokawa station, 6.9.1997
Since between Yokokawa and Karizawa was discontinued at this end of the month, I went to Yokokawa.
Since the track sides were also man people, I returned immediately.

Today's Pic: 2.6.2006 EF63-24 25, Sinetu Line at Yokokawa station, 6.9.1997
Since between Yokokawa and Karizawa was discontinued at this end of the month, I went to Yokokawa.
Since the track sides were also man people, I returned immediately.

Today's Pic: 1.6.2006 EF62-15, Tokaido Line between Totuka and Ohfuna, 22.4.1984
Ni38th up train, The locomotive used by baggage train of Tokaido San'yo Line replaced EF62 from EF58, and it passed about one month.

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