Daily Picture StoreBox
A Daily Picture is put up by one week. One per interchanges day.
In addition, I collect at the time of an absence and notify here.

April, 2006 publication

Today's Pic: 30.4.2006 EF15-135, Sinetu Line at Higasisanjou Station, 28.8.1976
The locomotive was shunting at Higasisanjou station on hauling 477th train.

Today's Pic: 29.4.2006 EF15-136, Chuou East Line at Hachiouji Station, 14.9.1974
The locomotive returned to Hachiouji engine depot, after hauling 5762th train.

Today's Pic: 28.4.2006 EF15-129, Shinetu Line at Higasisanjo Station, 25.10.1975
2460th up freight train

Today's Pic: 27.4.2006 EF81-1, Shinetu Line at Niitu, 12.10.1975
8586th up freight train

Today's Pic: 26.4.2006 EF15-21, Yamate freight Line near Yono station, 3.8.1975
9472th up freight train

Today's Pic: 25.4.2006 EF15-53, Jouetu Line at Isiuchi station, 3.7.1977
6782th up freight train for Takasaki yard

Today's Pic: 24.4.2006 EF15-53, Jouetu Line at Isiuchi station, 3.7.1977
6782th up freight train for Takasaki yard

Today's Pic: 23.4.2006 EF15-53, Yamate freight Line between Higasijyujo and Akabane, 3.6.1978
2762th up freight train for Tabata yard

@Daily PictureFThe photograph put up during this month

Today's Pic: 22.4.2006 kumoha157-6, Toukaido Line at Hodogaya station, 22.2.1976
3023Mth down train, No.2 "Amagi"

Today's Pic: 21.4.2006 kumoha157, Toukaido Line at Higasikanagawa station, 14.9.1974
3025Mth down train, No.3 "Amagi"

Today's Pic: 20.4.2006 kumoha157, Izukyu Line near Hokkawa, 3.1.1975
3024Mth up train, No.2 "Amagi"

Today's Pic: 19.4.2006 kumoha157, Izukyu Line near Hokkawa, 30.12.1973
3023Mth down train, No.2 "Amagi"

Today's Pic: 18.4.2006 kumoha157, Tokaido Line at Sinkoyasu station, 22.9.1974
3023Mth down train, No.2 "Amagi"

Today's Pic: 17.4.2006 Keikyu257, Keikyu Haneda Line at Haneda Airport station, 18.4.1976
The place is a large difference those days. There was distance of several 10 minutes from the station to Haneda Airport.

Today's Pic: 16.4.2006 DD51-1027, Banetusai Line at Kanose station, 17.8.1984
1225th down train for Niigata

Today's Pic: 15.4.2006 DD51-505, Banetusai Line at Sirosaki station, 17.8.1984
1265th down train for Niigata yard

Today's Pic: 14.4.2006 DD51-547, Banetusai Line at Nizawa station, 17.8.1984
1227th down train for Niigata

Today's Pic: 13.4.2006 Niikatakotu24+48, between Yakifuna and Echigo-Ohno, 29.4.1973
Down Train for KenchoMae

Today's Pic: 12.4.2006 ED75-1035, Touhoku Line at Fukushima station, 28.8.1977
Up Local Coach Train

Today's Pic: 11.4.2006 ED71-47, Touhoku Line at Fukushima station, 28.8.1977
An up freight train

Today's Pic: 10.4.2006 ED71-35, Touhoku Line at Fukushima station, 28.8.1977

Today's Pic: 9.4.2006 EF62-24, Toukaidou Line near Totuka station, 25.10.1984
Ni34th up train for Siodome

Today's Pic: 8.4.2006 EF62-34, Toukaidou Line near Higasitotuka station, 21.4.1984
Ni38th up train for Siodome

Today's Pic: 7.4.2006 EF62-5+EF62-10, Sinetu Line at Takada station, 14.1.1979
Ni2047 down train for Naoetu

Today's Pic: 6.4.2006 Keisei 3128, Keisei Line near Machiya station, July,1977
A up train for Keisei Ueno

Today's Pic: 5.4.2006 Keisei AE(Airport Express), Keisei Line between Ichikawamama and Sugano, 28.8.1976
A down train for Narita Airport

Today's Pic: 4.4.2006 Keisei 510, Keisei Line between Ichikawamama and Sugano, 15.9.1976
A up train for Keisei Ueno

Today's Pic: 3.4.2006 Izukyu 101, Izukyu Line at Izuhokkawa station, 30.12.1978
A down train for IzukyuSimoda

Today's Pic: 2.4.2006 Izukyu electric car, Izukyu Line near Izuhokkawa station, 15.1.1981
A down train for IzukyuSimoda, This picture is the scene of two years after. Where are any differences?

Today's Pic: 1.4.2006 183-1000, Izukyu Line near Izuhokkawa station, 3.1.1979
3024Mth up train for Tokyo, No.4 "Amagi"

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